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Spaceship Mini 20 mg – Strawberry Watermelon


Discover the Bugatti Spaceship Mini disposable e-cigarette. This branded electronic cigarette brings a combination of exclusivity, style and enjoyment. With its sophisticated design and quality, it offers a unique vaping experience. The Bugatti e-cigarette is a true king as it lasts for more than 800 full-sized puffs, making it a reliable companion on the go and in everyday life.

In addition, the Bugatti Spaceship Mini e-cigarette will also charm you with its premium flavor that will provide you with intense and satisfying moments, throughout its lifetime.

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Spaceship Mini 20 mg – Strawberry Watermelon
Spaceship Mini 20 mg – Strawberry Watermelon

Convenience Unlike other devices, it offers the simplicity that adult smokers are used to. The Aroma King disposable e-cigarette is designed to be reliable and ready to use:

  • No battery charging
  • No refills, heater replacement or spills
  • No buttons or switches
  • No cleaning or jamming

Complete independence Lack of fire or access to power is no longer a problem. Turn it on and off whenever you want. The Aroma King disposable e-cigarette intuitively starts by sucking in air through the mouthpiece and shuts off when you stop using it.

Efficiency and economy The equivalent of 70 traditional cigarettes (over 700 puffs – the most on the market). Replaces 3.5 packs of traditional cigarettes at a much lower price! Adjusts nicotine levels to the strength found in traditional cigarettes. Its unique formulas are based on nicotine salts and meet the highest standards.

Choose for yourself! We give you the choice to find the most satisfying solution for you. 25 natural flavours and flavourings are 100% safe for health. No unpleasant tobacco smell in the room.

Modernity Highest quality workmanship and modern intelligent technology using temperature control gives no chance of the cigarette overheating.

Safety We were the first brand in Poland to receive excise duty on our disposable e-cigarettes. We are registered in more than 20 countries.

We were the first in Europe to introduce a special parental control in the classic Aroma King model. The airflow regulator prevents children from pulling on the cigarette, so you can have peace of mind.

Unlike other forms of smoking available on the market, the Aroma King disposable cigarette uses a special nano-carrier without heating the tobacco. The device heats the nicotine salt, which is an easier-to-digest, tar-free alternative to delivering nicotine to the body.

Aroma King disposable e-cigarettes are designed with users’ health in mind, so the device doesn’t go overboard. We have eliminated the risk of burning the heater or using the e-cigarette with an inappropriate amount of liquid.

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Miloš Šebelik
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Mia Bencikova
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Kovacs Zsolt
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Kristine Putene
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Januska Ademoska
Som spokojná s dodávkou i kvalitou objednaných produktov. Môžem odporúčať...
Katarína Górová
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Andrea Hody
Andrea Hody
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